How To Maintain a Healthy Teeth Without Cavities 34

How To Maintain a Healthy Teeth Without Cavities?

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The best way to keep a healthy smile.

Research shows that 92% of adults between 20 to 64 have had dental caries in their permanent teeth, increasing the number of cavities for years.

You could have noticed little holes in your teeth. These little holes in your teeth are associated with one problem that affects your oral health.

Your oral health should be brought up in the context of good oral hygiene and dental care.

Do you have trouble with thrush, any gum or breath problems, or have you discovered plaques around your teeth? This could have resulted from your poor oral hygiene and, most likely, your high sugar diet.

Bad breath is caused by odour-producing bacteria found growing on your teeth which can be prevented by brushing with fluoride toothpaste.

 Do you desire a fresh longing breath with enhanced gut-immune health?

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Then, you should keep reading because I will be showing you how to maintain a fresh breath and a healthy gut.

Dental health is largely dependant on proper oral care – including maintaining the natural microbiomes.

Here are proven ways to maintain a healthy smile.

9 Ways To Improve Your Mouth & Gum Health.

• Floss your teeth regularly to reduce gum and periodontal disease.

• The presence of Fluoride in toothpaste prevents your teeth from decaying.

• You should limit the amount of sugar in your diet.

• You need to drink plenty of water daily to flush out bacteria from your mouth. 

• Eat calcium-rich foods like dark leafy greens, nuts, beans, and dairy products. 

• You should avoid high-fructose corn syrup, citrus fruits, raisins, sorbitol (an artificial sweetener), and alcohol that cause cavities.

• Make sure you eat food with enough vitamin D to strengthen your tooth enamel.

• Use a straw when drinking from a glass or cup.

•Rinse your mouth after every meal or snack

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Imagine yourself with no cavities, no tooth decay, and a nice bright white appearance.

Then you become a happy owner of a healthy smile!

A healthy gut is a healthy mind.

To achieve this, there are certain food options you should always consider.

Some of the best food choices for your teeth and gums nutrition include:

• Milk and dairy products include cheese, milk, yogurt, butter, and ice cream. 

• Fish oil supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, sardines, or cod liver oil. 

• Apples and apple juice containing pectin help fight plaque buildup. 

• Cucumbers contain silica that has been shown to reduce tooth decay.

• Whole grains like oats, brown rice, quinoa 

• Celery and other crunchy vegetables can protect you from tooth decay. They clean the surface by stimulating the flow of saliva that dilutes the effects of sugars contained in food and wash away bacteria.

• Vegetable oils like olive oil 

8 Foods You Should Avoid That Cause Bad Breath.

• Soda and other sweetened drinks. 

• Fried foods. 

• Processed meats like bacon, hot dogs, indenture sausage. 

• Grilled or smoked meat. 

• Sugar-sweetened beverages like soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, etc.

• Alcohol- alcohol increases the risk of tooth decay. 

• Canned vegetables, such as vegetables in sauce or soup. 

• Strawberries and raspberries, which have high levels of acidity. 

5 Reasons Why Your Tooth Cracks?

Have you been wondering what caused the sudden crack in your tooth recently, then this is for you;

Your tooth cracks because of dehydration. This happens when the saliva in your mouth dries up the natural protective film that covers your teeth break down.


Here are some factors responsible for teeth crack,

 • Pressure from teeth grinding due to chewing gum or cheek biting.

• You grind your teeth or clench them when you sleep. 

• The buildup of plaque on the tooth enamel, causing it to become thin and brittle. 

 • Your long-term exposure to acid in the mouth, such as coffee or acidic foods like citrus fruits. 

• Frequent use of tobacco products that dry out the mouth.

Trauma from sports or accidents can also cause crack.

You can avoid cracked teeth by drinking a lot of water daily and brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.

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Recommendations Of ADA

1. The Indian dental association (ADA) recommends brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time to help prevent cavities and gum disease.

2. American dental association: The American dental association helps to promote your oral health through their research and public service. It sponsors programs that encourage preventive measures in children’s lives.

Also, Older people get to receive high-quality care from their membership organization. 

3. Water has been highly recommended as it helps wash away bacteria from your mouth and dental plaque, preventing bad breath.

You should remember that the foods and drinks you consume can directly affect your teeth and overall dental health. Avoid sugary foods as they contribute to decay and cavities. 

Regular visits to the dentist every six months.

You’re advised to eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water for the overall benefit of your teeth and oral health.

For the latest news and awareness about your oral health. Kindly sign up through the link below.

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