
Agriculture Startup Promotions By Indian Government I Govt Schemes For Agri-based Startups

India’s economy is reliant on agriculture.

Agriculture Statrup Promotions By Indian Government

More than 58% of rural households rely on agriculture as their primary source of income. According to the Central Statistics Office (CSO), 2nd advised estimates, the agricultural and allied sector (including livestock, forestry, and fishery) was 17.3% of the Gross Valu Added (GVA), 2016-17 at 2011-12 prices. In FY ’16, the GDP of agriculture and its allied sectors was $244.7 billion.

India’s food and grocery market rank was sixth in the world. Retail accounts for 70% of sales. India’s food processing industry is responsible for 32% of its total food market. It is one of India’s largest industries and ranks fifth in production, export, and expected growth. It contributes approximately 8.80 and 8.39% to Gross Value Added in Manufacturing and Agriculture, respectively. This industry accounts for 13% of India’s exports and 6 per cent of total industrial investment.

India is home to the second-largest agricultural land in the world. Around 60% of rural Indian households make their livelihood from agriculture. Half of India’s population works in agriculture. We are dependent on farmers and agricultural labourers for our sustenance. This sector is also riskiest because it depends on unpredictable weather, market fluctuations, and topographical conditions. 

Nevertheless, this sector and its workers are receiving a boost. The best way to do this is through technological advances in agriculture technology. Modern methods and techniques will undoubtedly elevate agriculture to the next level and reduce the farmers’ burden. There is a lot of potential for Agriculture Startups to emerge in the country. Enterprising farmers can practice profitable agriculture by transforming their farm into Agri-business.

The sector has seen a steady stream of young people, fueled by their passions and ideas, to create new technology and business models that will transform agriculture from a primitive to a high-tech industry. Startups provide the missing link in the agri-value chain and deliver efficient products, technologies, and services to farmers on the one hand. On the other hand, they also offer inputs retailing, equipment rental, and online vegetable marketing.

Innovative technology and powerful startups are poised to revolutionize agriculture and food production.

Agriculture Startup Promotions By Indian Government

What is MANAGE-CIA, and what does it do for Agri-based Startups?

Centre for Innovation and Agripreneurship is a National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management. It is a one-stop solution to creating profitable ventures in agriculture and allied sectors. The Agri Innovation Launchpad will help entrepreneurs and enthusiasts to realize their dreams and build the next great agricultural sector.
CIA guides innovation from Ideation through full-scale commercialization. Our unique methodology creates a strong ecosystem that allows us to discover ideas and deliver high-value propositions in a sustainable environment.

The centre’s main purpose is to encourage the development of innovative products by Startups that address most of the disruptive issues in agriculture. Its main purpose is to create more employment and wealth creation opportunities, contributing to the inclusive growth of the country’s GDP.

Our programs have provided high-quality Capacity Building programs to nurture Agricultural Community. We trained approximately 67,192 professionals. Of these, 28512 have started their own businesses. This centre is designed to help these agripreneurs create high-impact ventures through its incubation centre.

Agriculture Startup Promotions By Indian Government

 Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana: 

Remunerative approaches for agriculture and allied sectors rehabilitation (RKVY–RAFTAAR) is a unique scheme of the Government of India Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare (MoA&FW).

It is designed to strengthen the Agriculture and Allied sector infrastructure to promote Agripreneurship, Agribusiness, and financial aid.MANAGE-CIA Centre for Innovation and Agripreneurship is a Centre of Excellence and Knowledge partner to the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare to implement the RKVY–RAFTAAR Scheme. MANAGE, as a knowledge partner, will demonstrate and handhold best practices to RKVYRAFTAAR Agribusiness Incubators.

This includes the Indian Institute of Millet Research (IIMR), Tamil Nadu Agriculture University [TNAU], Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University (“ANGRAU”) and Kerala Agriculture University (KAU).


MANAGE-CIA aims to bring together agribusiness experts and provide one-stop solutions to all your agribusiness needs and enhance your startups. Our unique methodology allows Startups to take innovation from Ideation through full-scale commercialization. It gives you a robust ecosystem that supports your ideas and helps you deliver high-value propositions in a sustainable environment.


As per MANAGE-CIA, they value startups and offer a comprehensive range of benefits to help them survive uncertainty.


Agriculture Startup Promotions By Indian Government


Capacity building programs like Startup Incubation Programs, Business Plans, Startathon and Ideathon Competitive events Networking and facilitated learning sessions.

Mentoring in a small group. Mentoring with a wide range of subject matter experts.

Regulatory and advisory Guide for Market analysis and strategic analysis, Structuring an Entity, Business plan construction, Funding options and Opportunities, Company Formation and Government Approvals etc.

Intellectual Property Rights – Filing of patents, copyrights and trademarks. Innovators and Startups can have one-on-one counselling sessions. IPR support for technology commercialization is also available.

Furnished infrastructure such as Startup workstations with Wi-Fi, Productive Meetings and Conference Rooms and High Tech Conference Management System (CMS) will be provided to eligible startups.

Funding Opportunities Making Startups Ready for the Great Challenges of Financing, helping startups apply for Grant, Equity, and Debt funding schemes.


Institute is Calling for applications to the 2nd batch of RKVY RAFTAAR Agripreneurship Orientation program and Startup Agribusiness Incubation Program. This is your chance to shine as an Agri-Star and unleash your creativity in Agripreneurship.


After the success of RAFTAAR 1.0, we are happy to announce RAFTAAR 2.0. This is a top program of MANAGE – Centre for Innovation and Agripreneurship powered RKVY RAFTAAR.


Information about the programs


Program for Incubation of Agribusiness Startups

Agripreneurship Orientation Programme



Important links


Online applications are only accepted.

Apply for the Agripreneurship Orientation Programme

Apply to the Start-up Agribusiness Incubation Program



Agriculture Startup Promotions By Indian Government




Remunerative approaches for Agriculture and Allied Sectors Rejuvenation


Remunerative approaches for Agriculture and Allied Sectors Rejuvenation is a unique scheme of the Government of India (MOA&FW). It aims to strengthen infrastructure in Agriculture and Allied sectors to promote Agripreneurship, Agri-Business and financial aid.


Incubation Program for Start-up Agribusinesses


Support Startups (definition according to DPIIT’s STARTUP INDIA guidelines) contribute to employment creation and wealth creation while leveraging their innovations and technologies for venture growth.




  • To provide seed support for deserving incubatees in R-ABIs.
  • To translate the minimum viable product (MVP) to a marketable stage and scale up the product or business.
  • Provide a platform for quicker experimentation and modification of their approaches or minimum viable products (MVP), based on innovative solutions/processes/products/services/

Business models etc. They are scaling up.


The Big Highlights


  • Grant in-aid up to Rs. 25 lacs
  • Program for 2 years of incubation
  • 8-week residential incubation program
  • Mentorship by industry experts

Startup Agri-Business Incubation Program (SAIP) under RKVY-RAFTAAR


The startup Agri-Business Incentive Program is a program that provides financial assistance of up to Rs 25 lakhs for startups with minimum viable products (MVP). This program is based on innovative business models, processes, products/ services, and agriculture and allied sectors. Funds will be granted to applicants’ incubatees based on their actual requirements and an appraisal/evaluation by the program selection panel of their business plans. The final decision of this committee is final.


The support will help incubatees launch their products/services/business platforms, etc. This support will allow them to get their products/ services/ business platforms to the market faster and increase their operational efficiency. In addition, they will attract venture capitalists and angel investors and take loans from financial institutions or commercial banks for further scaling up their business operations.


The program’s objectives


A. Incubation support and timely funding for select incubatees

b. To allow translation of the minimum viable product (MVP) to the marketable stage and scaling up the product and business.

c. To facilitate faster experimentation and modification of their strategies/ approaches based on innovative solutions/ process/ products/services/ business models, etc. Scaling up.


Eligibility Criteria


  • An applicant should be a registered legal entity in India
  • The startup must have a minimum viable product (MVP).
  • The applicant must be an Indian startup, as per the DPIIT notification. This support is not for Indian Subsidiaries to MNCs/Foreign Companies.
  • Startups that have been supported once are not eligible to apply for the next round of seed support.
  • A startup should not have received grant-in-aid funding from any state or central government body.


Selection Process for Incubatee


  • MANAGE Centre for Innovation and Agripreneurship would form an Incubation Committee with experts who could evaluate potential incubate applications
  • After two months of incubatees, the MANAGE Centre of Excellence Incubation Committee shall evaluate their progress and recommend grant-in-aid funding support for the Nodal Division of the Department of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW).
  • RKVY RAFTAAR selection and Monitoring committee from DAC&FW will further assess the startups for the final release of grant-in-aid.


The pattern of Funding Support and Funds Release


The incubatee will pay 15% of the project costs on a proportionate basis to ensure incubatee/private participation. RKVYRAFTAAR will cover the remaining 85 percent on a proportionate basis, up to a maximum of INR 25 lakhs. It will be released in three instalments as described below.

  • After signing the agreement between the RABI (RKVY-RAFTAAR Agri-Business Incubator) and the incubatee, the first instalment of 40% of the seed support project will be released.
  • This is based on their performance, achievement of milestones, and utilization of 80% of the previously released amount. Therefore, after the Incubation Committee’s recommendation, the second instalment of 40% will go to the Incubatee. In addition, a provisional UC of 80% of already released funds will also be received.
  • After the MANAGE committee’s recommendation, the third instalment of 20% will go to the incubatee. This is based on their performance and achievement milestones and utilization of 80% and provisional UC of at least 80% of previously released funds.


Broad Activities that can be supported by Grant-in-aid funding


This program would support expenses for the following activities:

  • Product refinement/Testing, Trials/Marketing Launch.
  • Expenses for data generation/acquisition of ideas working on the IT side/AI side.
  • Fees to IP (Intellectual Property ) issues/one-time technology licensing fees.
  • Human resources for day-to-day operations.
  • Daily operational expenses such as electricity bill, incubation costs etc.
  • Any other activity/area deemed necessary and recommended to MANAGE Centre for Innovation and Agripreneurship Incubation Committee.



Agripreneurship Orientation Programme (AOP) under RKVY–RAFTAAR


The Agripreneurship orientation program allows entrepreneurs to focus on youth and develop their ideas in Agribusiness through a two-month training and hands-on internship with other startups in Agriculture. They will learn how to solve specific problems and business concepts from experienced startups.


After completing the orientation program for two months, MANAGE Centre for Innovation and Agripreneurship will offer the opportunity for entrepreneurs to pitch for grants-in-aid up to five lakhs.


The program’s objectives


A. To foster potential agripreneurs through training cum internships with other startups to give them practical, technical, and business insight.

b. To nurture and create a network of agripreneurs to incubate our crops

c. To make it attractive among other career options, to pursue entrepreneurship in innovative ideas.


Criteria for Eligibility


A. One innovative idea should be submitted by the applicant. It can be based on technology, services, business platforms, etc., to increase agriculture and the allied sectors.

b. Candidates are expected to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams full-time.

c. The applicant must have a business plan/proposal for the idea that they are interested in.


Selection Process for Interns in Agripreneurship Orientation


All applicants to this program must complete the Application Form. a. MANAGE Centre for Innovation and Agripreneurship will announce the program and invite applications from participants


C. Agripreneurs with innovative ideas based on technology, services, or business platforms will be selected. The MANAGE selection committee will determine if they are interested in pursuing full-time their entrepreneurial ambitions.

d. The MANAGE Centre for Innovation and Agripreneurship will choose agripreneurs who have a viable, innovative idea.


Agriculture Startup Promotions By Indian Government


Financial Support


A. These interns will receive a stipend of Rs 10,000/month for two months during their hands-on training period.

Interns who have completed the Agripreneurship orientation program successfully will receive 5 lakhs (up to 90% of the project cost). b. Pre-Seed stage funding: a subsistence grant up to Rs. to a prototype/product. After evaluation, startups that have been supported by seed-stage funding for ideas or products will be eligible to apply for the next stage of Seed Stage funding.


Broad Activities


A. These young agripreneurs will receive 60+ hours of training at MANAGE Centre for Innovation and Agripreneurship and hands-on training cum internships with startups.

b. They will be provided with technical and business aspects to work simultaneously on their business ideas.


Apply Online



Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana – Remunerative approaches for Agriculture and Allied Sectors Rejuvenation is a unique scheme of the Government of India (MOA&FW). It aims to strengthen infrastructure in Agriculture and Allied sectors to promote Agripreneurship, Agri-Business and financial aid.


Agripreneurship Orientation Programme

The Agripreneurship orientation program provides students/youth/Research Scholars with the opportunity to develop their innovative ideas.


  • To foster potential agripreneurs through training cum internships with other startups to give them practical, technical, and business insight.
  • To nurture and create a network of agripreneurs to incubate our crops.
  • Entrepreneurship related to innovative ideas is an attractive career choice among other career options.

The Big Highlights

  • Grant in-aid up to Rs.5 Lacs
  • Stipend Rs.10000 per month
  • Specialized training program for 60 hours
  • Mentorship by industry experts
  • Internship Opportunities at niche Startups
Agriculture Startup Promotions By Indian Government


(b) Nmoop

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


1. How to apply for Government Startup Funding For my Agri-business?
Apply for Grants/Funding from the Government. Log in to to apply for Government Funding For Agriculture based startups.
2. What is the name of an Agri Startup Program by the Government of India?
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana launched a component called Innovation and Agrientrepreneurship Development Programme. This programme aims to encourage innovation and agripreneurship through financial support and nurturing incubation ecosystems.
3. How do I register my agri-business startup?
Once Your company is farmed as per the Indian companies act 2013, log in to DPIIT (Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade).To access tax benefits and easier compliance, companies must be recognized as Startups by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) under the Startup India initiative. The Government of India decided to promote India’s Start-Up ecosystem to encourage entrepreneurs to start new ventures and create employment opportunities.
4What are the few benefits under the government of India Startup schemes?   There are some special tax benefits for startups. The government will fund the defence of a patent if a startup applies for a patent. This will result in a rebate of up to 80% on the fees.
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